
When people say it's bad to wash your face more than twice a day does that include rinsing w/ water (no soap)?

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Soap/Cleanser? Or I can rinse my face with water as many times I want as long as I don't use cleanser/soap more than twice?




  1. The best my face has ever been was when I had corrective eye laser surgery and I couldn't wash my face for two weeks nor put any make up on. I had to gently splash it with water to cleanse it. Not a viable option if you feel you need to wear make up though.

  2. i would reccomend only twice a day with cleanser & using water alone i wouldn't think would hurt anything

  3. I depends on your skin type.

    I wash everyday with an exfoliating scrub and it doesn't harm my skin while others can only bear them once a week.

    It couldn't hurt to wash your face twice a day.

    I just think as long as you aren't putting chemicals on your face the damage is minimal.

    I cleanse my face twice a day.

    Once in the morning to remove all of the oil and dirt from sleeping and again before bed to remove make up and the dirt on my face from that day.

    Soap drys your face and unless you have oily skin i wouldn't recommend using it.

    It you have sensitive dry skin use a cream cleanser with a light toner, if you have an oily face use facial wash and a stronger toner/astringent.

    Over time you will find the right thing to use.

    Do whatever works for you =]

    Hope this helps.

    Chloe =]

  4. Yes, when people say washing your face more than twice  day is bad, it's because overusing the chemicals in the cleanser will only make it worse. But rinsing it with water is fine.

    You probably already do this, but I'm going to say it anyways. =p when you DO use cleansers it's best to wash your face with them in the morning and sometime in the afternoon, not before bed because the cleanser cleans your pores but when you lay on  your pillow the oils of your skin that have accumulated there go back to your face, but straight to your pores which gives you pimples.

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