
When people say "Biden lends experience to the Obama ticket" are they Really saying Obama doesn't have any ?

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OMG you Libs are so funny ! ObamalamaDingDong doesn't have enough experience to run a hot dog stand !! HOO HOO Ha Ha Ha...Keep it up leftists ! I LOVE it !!!




  1. A wise man seeks knowledge when and where it is needed as in Obamas choice. On the other hand what does McCains choice say? Pure arrogance!

  2. I know!!!! So do I!!! Liberals have such a funny way of thinking!!!~

  3. Yes!

  4. most definitely, a  YES!!!!  

  5.   Yeah. So what? Republicans are the ones saying it. They also call him a Muslim and a terrorist. When people are full of c**p, their words don't really matter to anyone.

  6. Turn your Ego down a bit.

  7. Yep.You get a star!! You hit it. He was picked because Obummer has ZERO experience... And these dummy's think he is the Messiah!!! What a joke!

  8. Yes, they know that Obama's pick was to bolster his complete lack of experience.

    Sarah Palin's Resume vs. Barack Obama's Resume

  9. palin will be your prez if elected when old john kicks the bucket


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