
When people start preaching about morals, why is it usually just girls and women they bring up?

by Guest61423  |  earlier

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When people start preaching about morals, why is it usually just girls and women they bring up?




  1. Well said Shrinking Violet.

    I will add that Men are the dominate, the 'hunter gathers' -- women had to stay home with the babies that could not survive without mothers milk, etc., etc.

    There are many examples of Men thinking they are the only Supreme Beings... the constant reference to "he"; "his"; etc, etc.  Look at the 'Bill of Rights', ' Bible' and the ' Koran'.

    The other point: MANY believe that Eve brought down the human race to the point of constant struggle.

    Look at some cultures that will murder (also called stone, honor killing)


  2. I think it all started with the "Angel of the Hearth" argument that started around the mid-19th century in America. This argument was used to convince male voters not to vote for women's suffrage because women were supposedly the more moral of the too genders, to much so to be involved in politics, and therefore were better suited to the home and child-rearing. Then the Kinsey reports started to come out in the 1950's, and people learned that women were *gasp* just as sexual as men. Rather than accept the evidence that women are just as sexual as men, *some* individuals will push the sexual morality harder than ever.

    What it basically boils down to is that we are still living in a patriarchal society. Men and women alike are given arbitrary perks by virtue of being one gender and not the other (for men it's being able to have more socially acceptable sexual autonomy for women it's not having to be subjugated to emotional alienation every time we see something that moves us to tears.) In this patriarchal construct, women are still somewhat seen as property. Our value is defined by what's between our legs, based on how many people we've slept with. It sucks. I wish I could destroy the patriarchy with a huge hammer!

  3. Because males are given greater latitude in our sexist society?

  4. Because they are really just closet misogynists who hide their hatred of women under the guise of religion and morals.

  5. Because no-one can tell men what to do, especially not those d**n feminists!  But women should listen, for their own safety, because that's just what the world is like.... right?  :-)

  6. The biggest sinners need the longest sermons.  The Unfair s*x ought to be grateful.

  7. Because the People usually doing the "Preaching"- are Guys!  And of COURSE, Guys "don't do anything Wrong" ! (NOT !!! -That's why Prisons are overflowing with Male convicts!). "Preaching Morality"- is just a bad excuse for getting away with murder... You see it ALL the time...   :(  

  8. By people, I'm assuming you mean males?

    When I overhear the workplace lunchroom gossip about the women who are allegedly s***s and "ho's", the gossipers always have one thing in common:  they're always women.

    And for all you bitter American feminists:  You have it miles better than 95 percent of the women on the planet.  You should be kissing the ground and thanking whomever you want to thank that you were lucky enough to be born in this country.

  9. society a man can go and sleep with heaps of chicks and he gets a pat on the back but if a chick does it she is labeled a sl*t (more often by women might i add)  

  10. It all began in the garden of Eden.  You know the story.  Since the book of Genesis is part of the three monotheistic religions, all women are expected by these to continue taking the fall for Eve picking the apple, the original sin. It got us kicked out.  Tough.  

  11. Maybe that's just what you notice because that's what you're interested in hearing.

  12. Ever hear of "girls gone wild!" * ;P  You have a point.

    Certainly men who rape should be stoned.    

  13. Nice try.

    Well if you read what is written a little closer you will see that the arguments about the morality of women are brought up to counter feminist assertions that women are more moal.

    So examples are brought out into the open that show that the femprop is false.

    But nice try anyway. Though I find it a bit deceitful for feminists to claim we take Andrea Dworkins words out of context and then read questions like this. But again it was a valiant effort on your part the other femmies must be proud.

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