
When people talk about their Scotch heritage don't they really mean Scottish?

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Are people ignorant enough to actually believe that they are part Whiskey or do they actually mean, "Scottish"?

It's sad when people use poor English. English is one of the most polished languages in the world yet here in America language skills are falling to an all time low with all of the immigrants coming here bringing their poor quality education.




  1. Scotch is a Scottish-English word, and is perfectly acceptable usage in language today.  Scotch is an American word used to describe whiskey.  Actually, French is a more polished language--English has absorbed many other languages (Danish, Norman and loan words from all languages)` and is one of the most flexible languages in the world.  I believe if we put more emphasis on learning other languages, we would actually become better at our own.  

  2. Scottish language is actually Gaelic.  Not English.

    And who be ye to be correctin us Scots on proper languages there lad!


  3. Dude, are you serious?  I know you don't really think someone's culture is whiskey, lol.  Yes, Boo, they mean Scottish.  

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