
When planning to have quite a large family what age is the best to start and finish?

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Also what are the advantages of having 3/4 children.




  1. There is no proper age. It's just when you yourself feel financially secure and ready to settle down. I love kids and plan to have 3/4, when I finish University and get myself a good job to support them.

    There are no real advantages of having 3/4 children, it's just a preference... if you feel like having more than the usual 2-3, go for it!

  2. Only YOU know when the best time to start is, WE DONT


    3/4 children is not large by any means

  3. I have 4 children, my first at 30 and my youngest last year at 34. Having a big family is fabulous, it is hard work and expensive but as long as you have seperate time to give each child individually as well as family time it's great.

  4. Start when you can financially and mentally handle it.

  5. well, if you are finacially able to have a large family and really ready for it, i would start in your mid 20's and end in your 30's. you will never know when you will get pregnant for sure, but hopefully you get lucky and within that time frame you can have a large family if that is what you really want. the advantages of it is, siblings always have someone to play with, holidays are great, my mom had 6 kids and i loved holidays when we were all together, like christmas and easter. you will always have someone to turn to, the list goes on. i like large families, but raising a large family is just not for me. good luck with yours though.

  6. 3 to 4 is not large.  I am one of 8.  I loved it, there was always someone to play with and fight with.LOL

    My parents started when they were 18 and finished when they were 33.  So they were still fairly young when we were growing up. And they have a great time with the grandchildren as they are still young enough to have fun with them.  

    Financially it could be hard with collage an all, my parents gave us all the opportunity but it wasn't so expensive in those days.  

  7. I have 4 children, had my first at 26 and my last at 35.

    The advantages are that having a big family is great, I love how my house is always filled with kids running round excited, and my children all get along. Christmas time is always especially fun.

    The disadvantages are that it's more expensive, but luckily me and my husband are financially able. Also be prepared that your house will forever be a mess!

    but the pros outweight the cons :)

  8. We have four girls ... first one when I was 26 and last when I was 34.  (youngest is now 15) Great fun ... very demanding ... remember they will be teenagers one day!  Wouldn't change it for the world and they love lots of sisters as well.  I wouldn't have a huge gap from first to last as it limits activities you can do as a family.  Hopefully they will return the compliment and look after us when we are old!  

  9. If you are financialy capable of marraige and THEN children i would say 28-35/36. I personally think that 3 kids are cool. (even though i have 4 myself lol). you can start with 1 around 28/29 and give it about 3 years til the next so that way you can know what to expect and get the swing of you canplan #2 and last but not least 2-3 more years the grand finale bundle of joy. If i began to list the advantages i would go on forever, but they make you feel so proud to be a parent and you can't imagine your life without them...true unconditional love. good luck, plan well!!  

  10. I have 3 children and, until about 6 months ago, we were financially sound! My husband had a very good job until the company he worked for was laying people off and unfortunately he was one. His job now is much lower paying as he works his way up again. So saying wait until you are financially sound is a good idea, but it doesn't always help! In regards to having 3 children, it's great. They play really well together and very seldom fight. It can be handy for doing housework!

  11. wel everything is so much dearer now than it was, thats why alot of people hav loads of aunts an uncles. unless ur rich, its gona be tought havin loads of kids. aim for 5, i hav 5 siblings. good solid number lol

  12. For a financially ready..for a women..same and age 25

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