
When player is snookered and missea hitting the ball is it alwaya returned to its original position?

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When player is snookered and missea hitting the ball is it alwaya returned to its original position?




  1. What game is this we are talking about?.....a video game?....BCA rule is shooter gets the ball in hand(9 or 8 ball) from anywhere he have got to be talking about some video game!!!

  2. No not always, if the referee thinks the player hasn't made a good enough effort to get out of the snooker then a 'miss' is called and his opponent has the option of having the white ball replaced so the player has to try and get out of the snooker again

  3. no it depends on where the cue ball ends up. if it's a good position to start a break, then the opponent may take that shot, if not he asks for repositioning the cue ball and the shot is took again by the snookered player until he hits the nominated ball.

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