
When playing a cue-ball foul only game of 8-Ball billiards, and you scratch, what does the rule say?

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About placing the ball. I have always been told you have to place the cue-ball on or behind the headstring and shoot across it, but upon recently researching the rules it seems they officially dropped that rule and now it is ball in hand anywhere, more like 9-Ball. Is this true? Can anyone clarify this for me. If it is a rule, it is something for unref-ed tables or is it an all-around regulation? P.S. I got my rules from a downloaded PDF file from (World Pool-Billiard Association)




  1. Bribri75 is correct......a scratch on the get it behind the headstring and table is still open (table is always open after the break....even if ie:you made all of the could still take the solids)......after that you get the ball in hand anywhere you want to put it.........hope this helps ....good luck on the tour!!

  2. i have always played like you. scratch and cue ball goes behind the break line. but recently, i found out that it should have been ball in hand anywhere. the person who corrected me showed it to me in a book. so i guess that is the rule. peace.

  3. The BCA (Billiards Congress of America) is the North-American representative of the WPA.  BCA rules and WPA rules are one and the same.  Under BCA rule 4.14, in the event of a foul "...Opposing player gets cue ball in hand. This means that the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table (does not have to be behind the headstring except on opening break). This rule prevents a player from making intentional fouls which would put an opponent at a disadvantage. With “cue ball in hand,” the player may use a hand or any part of a cue (including the tip) to position the cue ball. When placing the cue ball in position, any forward stroke motion contacting the cue ball will be a foul, if not a legal shot."  This is a direct quote from the BCA rule page.  Hope this helps.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee

  4. If you are playing "regular rules," "bar rules", etc then yes the ball goes behind the line and you must shoot out past the line towards the other end of the table.

    If you are playing "tournament rules", "league rules", or "ball in hand rules" then the opponent can put it anywhere on the table he likes. UNLESS you scratch on the break. Then it goes behind the line. Just on the breakshot though.

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