
When playing bridge, I noticed players communicating. HOW???

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When playing bridge, I noticed players communicating. HOW???




  1. you know how if you saw them communicating

  2. on-line? no fun in doing that or meeting that. If you think it happened against you... end  this hand and tell opps you can not stay any longer and ask partner to join you at an other table? (the last part is a bit mean i think.. better leave it out . just tell the table it has to be your last hand will be better.)

    face to face? if it happens during a club-match call the td.

    If it happens while playing with friends; reconsider your friendships.

    HOW online?

    - communicate in a language you hope your opps do not understand

    - use skype

    - use words that in english do not relate to bridge, but do very much in your own language. "please kick me..." would mean not much in english but could ask for spades in dutch.

  3. whats bridge??

  4. facial cues, hand signals

  5. They may do it verbally by using a predetermined messaging system.  "I am bleeding" means they have a lot of red cards.

    They may do it nonverbally by various means.  After the deal, everyone sets their hand the way they want it.  Then one person will move one card from one side to the other side to tell their partner they have something special or whatever they determined.

    There are a lot of ways people communicate.

    And if it's online, well, that's simple.  They could be on the phone with each other or they could be sitting next to each other on different computers.

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