
When playing monopoly what is the color group do you consider to be the absolute best?

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When playing monopoly what is the color group do you consider to be the absolute best?




  1. I usually win when I get pink orange or red

  2. The Orange group has the best return on your investment. part of the reason for this is it is in a "prime" location where people who just got out of jail are likely to land on it.

    Boardwalk and Park Place are good too because you only need to obtain and build 2 of everything instead of 3.

    I don't agree with the Greens. They have very high rents...but you will need a lot of cash to develop them. And while you are waiting to build up enough cash, your opponents could be cleaning up on the cheaper monopolies.

    All this aside, never forget ANY monopoly is better than NO monopoly.

  3. All things being equal: The Oranges. Jail is the most landed on space. The Oranges, being six, eight and nine spaces from Jail are the most likely to be trod upon monopoly. At $100 per step are reasonably inexpensive to develop. The Dark Blues are overrated especially after the "Go to Boardward" Chance card has ben revealed. My second favorite is the Reds, FWIW.

  4. i like the orange properties because it seems someone always lands there and even though they are not worth as much as the others they can nickle and dime a person

  5. The red group gets landed on the most, but the oranges are superior since they get landed on almost as often, but are cheaper to develop.

    However, I'd like to cast my vote for the light blues - Vermont, Oriental and Connecticut.  If you can get these quickly in the game, you can pretty much put hotels up right away, and you stand a good chance of getting your opponent's "Go" money after they collect it.  Very demoralizing.

    Greens?  Forget it.  Too expensive, and by the time you can buy all three, the game should be almost over, unless you're in one of those games that goes on for hours.

  6. according to the source below it the best group because.

    1  It is the group that is 2nd (of 10) most likely to be landed on per turn (50%).  the average is 42% and railroads (not a color group)  are number one at 64%

    2  It has better than average $0.419  return for 4 houses $0.436 or hotels $0.469 on the properties per dolar invested.

    3  Maximum building cost for orange is  $2060 and is 5th.  Average is $19444 but if you remove the railroads and  utilities since they are not color groups and do not have buildings the average maximum would be $2330.

    4  Also it ranks the pay off percentage as 1st at 23.5% which is the amount of expected return when a opponet goes around the board.

    5  It says orange is the best color group and New York is the best over all proerty to buy and says when landing on an unowed propety one should allways buy it if it is orange period.

    Incedently the Green Property group is the most expensive to develop $2720 (for three houses) and the lowest of the color groups for payoff 15.1%  (for three houses)

  7. (For the purposes of this post, I am using the original names of the Monopoly properties as defined by Charles Darrow when he invented the game. )

    My favorite color is orange (St. James Place, Tennessee Avenue, New York Avenue), since there are several ways to get sent to Jail, and there is a good chance that a player who is just getting out of Jail will land on one of these properties. The chance of a doubles roll landing on an orange property is one chance in three. The chance of a paid roll landing on an orange property is even better.

    Three other color groups that can pay off well are the violet, red and blue properties, because there are three cards in the Chance deck that will send an unlucky player to those colors: St. Charles Place, Illinois Avenue and Boardwalk. You must pay attention to these cards, though, and keep track of the ones that have just been played. It does you no good to have the violet properties for this purpose if the St. Charles Place move card has just been drawn. It won't come around again for a long time, if at all.

    If you buy the violet, red and blue monopolies, don't rely on the appropriate cards to send another player to your monopoly. After all, you may be the player to draw said card, and then you're out of luck. Also, there is only one of each card in a deck of 24 Chance cards. You may not get "lucky" for a long time after you develop. Finally, the chance that another player will draw your "lucky" card will depend on the number of other players in the game. If there are two or less other players, chances are good that you will be the one to draw the "lucky" card.

    Another color group that works well is the cyan properties (Oriental, Vermont and Connecticut Avenues), because there are two cards, one in each deck, that send a player to GO, and there is a decent chance that someone on the GO space will roll a number that will land you on one of those properties. Again, you need to pay attention to when the GO move cards come up.

    My least favorite color group is the green properties (Pacific, North Carolina and Pennsylvania Avenues). Although the payoff is good if you develop them enough, they are expensive to develop compared to what you are likely to get out of them. There are no cards or other special cases that will send a player to those spaces. If I am short on money and have to make a decision on what properties I want to buy, I will often pass up the green properties completely.

    I will generally try to stay away from the violet and red properties as well if I am short on money and the cards for those spaces have already been drawn. The orange properties cost the same as the violet properties to develop, but they pay a lot better. The yellow properties are better than the red properties for the same reason.

    The only set of properties I haven't talked about is the purple group (Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues). These are good simply because they are cheap to buy and cheap to develop, and they will pay off on your investment fairly quickly. However, trading another property straight across for a purple property is not a good idea. Although the purple properties are flexible, they aren't going to bring in that much of an income to you. You should always ask for money in addition to the purple property in such a trade. - LJS

  8. the red ones are the absolute best... helping you lose.

    Nobody ever lands on them. It's sad. And secretly frustrating.

  9. Orange group, I always rack up the cash with those. You can buy a hotel for 1k ea. and they pay for themselves after the first couple hits.

  10. The yellow group is the best.  Houses cost the same as the red group, but the rent is higher so it's obvious better there.  Also it's better than the green and blue groups near the end because there is a good chance for people to land directly in jail, or get a "go to" card that lets them skip the last two groups.  The yellow group is the one that generates the most money while having a high probability for someone to land on it.

  11. Dark blue, consisting of Park Place and the Boardwalk.

  12. The red they always get landed on and they are affordable

  13. if you can get orange and red, or red and yellow, theres almost a 100% youre getting some money every time your opponents go around

  14. The green group. It's the most expensive group of 3.

    Second best is the dark blue group. The most expensive group of 2.

  15. The green group.  They are not quite the most expensive on rentals, but there's more chance people will land on them compared to Park Lane/Mayfair.

  16. i like the section that is red and orange so i can get them for there money around the corner and i like the yellow and green curve also big money makers

  17. The green group is the best. Although it isn't the most expensive, there's more chance to land on it than the most expensive group (blue/purple). I always win when I get the greens.

  18. For me it was always the orange ones, just before Free Parking. They're not the most valuable, but every single time I play, if someone else gets that set, I lose. I don't have to own the whole set, or even any of them, I just can't have an opponent own that set. Once they do, I land on it almost every time around the board.

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