
When playing the guitar...?

by  |  earlier

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okay, it says play in drop C tuning, but i dont know how to tune it to that, so is it okay if i just keep it regular how it is? will it still sound like the song just a little different?




  1. It won't sound exact, but there's really nothing you can do since you don't want to tune your guitar then can't get it back to normal.

  2. When guitarists refer to drop C tuning, they mean one of two things. The first option is to tune ONLY the lowest pitched string down 2 whole tones (from "E" to "C") producing the tuning CADGBE (lowest to highest pitched string).. The second option is tuning the lowest ptiched string down 2 whole tones while tuning the remaining strings down 1 whole tone. This would yield the following tuning from low to high "CGCFAD."

    Without seeing the sheet music or tab, I cannot tell you for sure which tuning you should choose. Bluegrass pickers and traditional country and western players would usually favor the first option. Contemporary rockers may tend to use the second. Why? Because rockers love the power chord.  

  3. actually, nobody cares

  4. it'll sound a whole tone higher.  this is not a problem if unless you want to play along to the record.  

    to tune to drop-c.  tune down one whole step, then put that in drop-d.  

    it goes c-g-c-f-a-d.  your guitar will have problems staying in tune at that pitch unless you slap on some heavier strings, like 11s or 12s.

  5. well the tuning is in drop c and no the song won't sound like it at all cause the tuning. you should go to this websit to learn how to tune

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