
When ploishing a aluminum boat is there any products avaliable to stop oxidiation on the aluminum?

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If anyone noes anything to do with polishing aluminum boats or products it would be much avilable in Victoria it would be much apperciated thanks.........




  1. Aluminum oxidizes fairly quickly but that's exactly what you want. Aluminum oxide is VERY tough stuff. It's actually used as an abrasive in grinding wheels. It forms a tough, transparent coating over the aluminum and helps protect it.

  2. Toon Brite has a whole cleaning & sealing product line. The Alumn will have to be cleaned & polished on a regular basis. You may be able to find in a marine product supply house near you.

  3. paint

  4. CLR is a product we have to clean Calcium, Lime and Rust. After it's cleaned though, you will want a good coat of primer paint, then a few coats of oil based paint like Rustoleum.

  5. When Aluminum is made, it forms a finish on the outside. When you remove the "finish" it will never look right. When you rub against it black stuff will get on your clothes.

  6. You cant really stop the oxidation in aluminum expecially the part that touches the water but if you clean you boat on a regular basis it will keep those lime and calcium deposits frome forming.  only product i know of that really cleans aluminum is an acid.and you dont want to use it on pontoons or really the hull of a boat because it polishes by removeing the top layer of aluminum

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