
When police burn marijuana that is confiscated in a raid, does anybody get high from the smoke?

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I would assume the smoke has to go somewhere, whether inside or outside.




  1. Yeah they didn't realize that until the late 80s (or no one told anyone about it).  In fact I used to work for a guy who was a prison guard and cops used to burn a ton of marijuana up wind from the prison.  He said it was an awesome day since no one was fighting, everyone was too busy getting high. lol

  2. Yes...

  3. Most times this is done in an incinerator which is much like where bodies are cremated. No fumes.

  4. When conficated drugs are destroyed they are transported to a facility with blast furnaces. When they are subjected to tempretures of more than 1000 degrees, there is not much smoke of any kind, and what does occur is directed upwards in the chiminey.

  5. only if they inhale ;)

  6. I'm surprised with some of the answers here, especially one from a cop.   Because actually, sometimes police officers do dispose of marijuana by just bringing it to the local garbage dump and dumping it out.   It's been done many times in the USA, and a couple in Canada that I can remember.

    Obviously when people found out, there was a lot of theft with people going to the landfill / local dump and searching for it.

    You can find many news stories on this occurring even as early as 2001.

  7. Because of the Clear Air act, marijuana, or any contraband, is not burned in open pits like you saw in the 60's and before.  The smoke is considered air pollution.  Also because of the carcinogenic particulate in the smoke, marijuana is considered a "HazMat"  when it is burned.

    Any evidence like this is burned in a medical waste incinerator much like any biohazard waste.  Some agencies are lucky enough to have a hospital with a medical grade incinerator in the area and use that. We send ours under escort to a local HazMat company and have them burn it.

    The incinerator has a triple burn system, one area burns the items, 1/3 of the way up the chimney is another gas incinerator, and ¾ of the way us is another. So all the matter, and particulate smoke, are burned.

  8. they usually keep a bit for personal use and for friends, the rest they burn for the cameras.

  9. haha, i recall a story from a few years ago where they confiscated a huge amount of pot and had a big bonfire to burn it, well people gathered from all over to watch it and everyone was getting stoned from the fire.

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