
When police officers are off duty, are they still allow to carry a loaded gun with them at all times???

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When police officers are off duty, are they still allow to carry a loaded gun with them at all times???




  1. When I worked for a police department in Texas, while in our jurisdiction, we were required to carry a fire arm at all times, both on and off duty.  We were prohibited from frequenting any bars in our jurisdiction when off duty.

  2. Yes...

  3. yes they can

  4. Police officers can carry concealed firearms while off duty.  In some cases, they are required.  My department STRONGLY advises all officers to carry their firearms while off duty.  Officers are usually mandated by their department to carry firearms while off duty, but while operating a departmental vehicle.  Also, I thought that some of the folks here would like to know the following: Even when police officers are off duty, they are not really off duty.  They are obligated (in most states) to maintain the peace and protect the public whenever and wherever.  They do have arrest powers while off duty, contrary to the answers of some other people on this page, and can effect arrests once they have identified themselves.  A small percentage of departments, across the states, do not allow their officers to possess arrest powers while off duty.

  5. yes

  6. Sure, why not. Guns are great. You can always trust a gun but you can't always trust a policeman!

  7. Depending on where they are and jurisdiction, they can not only carry a weapon but are also expected to respond to any situation as if they were on duty.

    In a beautiful restaurant with your sweetie ... see a robbery ... there goes dinner! Kind of stinky, huh?

  8. Although it does vary from place to place, there is not a lot of variance for most departments.

    Most departments allow their officers to carry off duty, some heavily suggest that their officers carry off duty.  Some departments require their officers to carry off duty.

    I have never heard of any department in the USA that prohibited their officers from carrying a firearm while off duty.

  9. Yup-in my department's policy and procedure it is "strongly advised" to carry your firearm while off duty.

    Bush actually signed a law (can't remember the name) that basically allows cops to carry their weapons in any state negating the need for an officer to have CCW.

  10. Yes, I am allowed to do so by State Law and Dept. policy. For my Dept. it isn't mandatory that I am armed, it is optional. And I cannot consume alcohol while armed.

  11. It varies from place to place, but in most places, yes, they can.

    I think they should be allowed to, and so should the non-criminal public, but you didn't ask what I thought, lol!

  12. If they have a concealed weapons permit, yes any private citizen can carry a loaded gun with them in most public places.

  13. Yes. Even when they retire.

  14. Yes, off duty police officers are allowed to carry concealed firearms.  Some agencies required their officers to be armed at all times.  Most agencies allow the officer to use a personal preference to carry or not.  The agency I work for allows you the option however expressly written in our general orders no carry if your consuming alcohol.

  15. yes you can. you can carry it anywhere in the US. When I leave the house my glock goes with me it is apart of the family now.

  16. Yes, in California full time officers are peace officers at all times. Officers are never "off duty" they may be off the clock though.

    I may carry anywhere in the state I so desire, And I do.

    Out of state:

    The law is: H.R.218: The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004.

    Out of state restrictions are:

    Full time or honorably retired (medical retirement is ok)

    Qualify once a year

    Comply with the laws of thet state in regards to registration of the firearm

    Not under a I.A. suspension

    Do not carry in a restricted area as per that state or federal law (courthouse, county building, some federal buildings...)

  17. Yes they are required to and a off duty officer doesn't have arresting powers but they can and will shoot you if provoked they are like animals in the zoo do not feed them anything.

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