
When pope visit to sydney australia dates?

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When pope visit to sydney australia dates?




  1. The pope officially arrives on Thursday July 17th and celebrates the final mass of World Youth Day on Sunday 20th July.

  2. Who cares when he gets here.  Phillip Jensen is the Anglican Dean of Sydney  says the Bible explains to us that salvation is only by the generosity of God. This salvation comes through Christ alone, and is received by faith without any works on our part. All is to the glory of God alone. So we protest against Roman Catholic claims to authority. We object to the Pope claiming to be the Vicar of Christ. We reject all claims to authority that imply the insufficiency of scripture. We reject any implication that Jesus's work on the cross was insufficient or is received by more than faith or requires some other mediator.

    This protest against Roman Catholicism is no small complaint. It goes to the very heart of God's central message to mankind - the way of salvation. The 39 articles of the Anglican Church state "the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of ceremonies, but also in matters of faith".

    That sentence was written in the 16th century. Since then the Roman Catholic Church has added to its errors - the Immaculate Conception (1854), the Infallibility of the Pope (1870), and the bodily Assumption of Mary (1950). There is nothing in modern Roman Catholicism that reduces our need to protest. Which brings us to World Youth Day. This large congress of people will inconvenience the normal flow of our lives. It will cost our community large sums of money. Some people have protested against it. Their complaint is usually in terms of separation of church and state or the undermining of the secular nature of our state.

    These protests have little to commend them. Australia as a nation has a proud Protestant heritage. That is why we have so many policies on individual rights and tolerance. But about a quarter of Australia 's tax-paying citizens are Roman Catholics. They have every right to enjoy a gathering of their people.

    It is also to the credit of our city that we are willing to be hospitable not only to people with whom we agree but also to those with whom we disagree.

    Of course our hospitality is expensive. That is the nature of hospitality. Compared to the amount of tax our Roman Catholic neighbours contribute it is as nothing.

    Naturally our hospitality is inconvenient. We are regularly inconvenienced by parades and demonstrations, by sporting events and parties. That is the nature of living in a world city.

    World Youth Day does not compromise the separation of church and state. Nor does it undermine secular government. The Government provides facilities and security for any group, either religious or non-religious. We can only complain when there is favouritism for any particular group.

    This is the confusion of secular with secularism. It is the confusion of secularist philosophy with secular government. Secular means this age - of this world. We have a government that is secular, i.e. relating to the things of this age - hospitals, building, roads, economy and so on.

    Secularism is the religious philosophy, which teaches that there is no other age or world than this one.

    The secularists wish to impose atheistic belief on society through government. They are the ones who do not believe in the separation of church and state. They try to use government to enforce their viewpoint. Thus they oppose the normal secular support that is given to Roman Catholics.

    We live a city with neighbours whose lifestyle choices are varied and whose philosophies of life are diverse. As citizens we need to help each other whether or not we agree with each other. I will not be welcoming the Pope, going out to see him or waving a flag. Given what I have said, the Pope wouldn't expect me to. But I am certainly not going to pray for rain on his parade. Remember, our Lord said that our Father in heaven sends sun and rain on all - as the Bible puts it the "just and unjust" alike. This is God giving secular support. We should want our Government to do the same.

  3. Pope Benedict XVI will visit Australia for the 23rd World Youth Day from July 12 to 21, 2008.

    With love in Christ.

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