
When popularity trumps experience in politics, is it no wonder why we keep electing losers.?

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anna... when did Obama cross any lines, my goodness he won't even talk to the conservative base on Fox News. I am well educated on who and what Obama is.




  1. It isnt popularity that Obama represents.  If that is your perception you need to take another look at him.  He crosses party lines to produce results, that is so far from the last 8 years of Bush's Good Ole Boy club that even hardened Republicans are excited about Obama.

    Bush was the looser and hes brought our country to the brink of disaster!!  He IS evil incarnte...I will gladly take popularity over experience.

  2. yes

    b. hussein obama is more american idol than anything

    he has no experience but is half black

  3. Al Gore won the popular vote, but he was not elected and thank the Big Giant Head for that.

    Obama is the lefts new messiah and popular and we`ll wait and see if he get`s elected.

  4. the Presidential election has long been a popularity contest.  Where have you been????  Bush won in 2000, because Democrats lost their popularity .  We have been paying for that the last 8 years.

  5. I completely agree, the two parties have made it their mission to stop dissent and keep power  between themsevles. We need vote for a third party, and that party should be the Libertarian Party, Vote Bob Barr 08

  6. Once again, issues and ideas trump rock star celebrities.

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