
When potty training a boy, is it for you ...

by Guest66985  |  earlier

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to hold his p***s while he pees or should always make him hold it himself. My son is just starting to potty train and im not sure what to do.




  1. I wouldn't touch it myself, I would let him do it. My son is 22 months a PT and he sits down to pee right now. His chair has a shield on it.

  2. I think when it's my turn to do that I will show him how to hold it with his hands, but i'll have my hands holding his hands.. kinda like when you show them how to color, etc...

    Also, I remember when we were teaching my little brother to pee in the potty, he didn't really hold it, he just kinda stuck it out and went.  

  3. We started out sitting our son on the potty chair and pointing it down for him.  Yes, there were accidents a couple of times, but some potty chairs have shields that help.  

    Another idea is to put a couple of Cheerios or other pieces of cereal or cracker (something that will dissolve) in the toilet and have him "aim" for whatever is floating.  He'll get it soon enough.

    Years ago there were also flushable targets.  Yes, they had bullseyes on them and he was to aim for the biggest number.

  4. hold his hand on it so he know correct grip and correct aim when he does it himself

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