
When ppl say/do mean/nasty things to other ppl

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or about other ppl on the daily(like that's their characater) I'm talking about the types that never have a nice word to say and(when they do very slim chance)when they give compliments it's like they was giving that in a nasty way. Do they know they are insecure or do they know ppl can see st8 through them, and how do they live with their selves everyday being nasty and mean, do they want to change.

I believe those type of ppl feel real lonely inside but put other ppl down or try because that's how they feel about theirselves. I wonder do they have trouble sleeping at nite. I just want to know what goes on in their head. for them to be so nasty without them noticing or want to change.

I heard the saying how and what you say about others you are really saying about yourself.

that holds so much truth/weight to it.




  1. We've heard it all before. People are mean because they were treated like that . .insecurity. . etc.

    There are some other reasons, as to why individuals are cold and nasty.

    1) Some people want to be seen as strong and by acting nice it shows weakness, while mean things show a "toughness"

    2) Certain people do not see a value for using good words. Nasty comments will come out because they do not realise this.

    3) Is it nastiness or frankness . . This is the biggest misconception of mean people. Some individuals just speak their minds that others believe they are being nasty but it is just "straight-shooting".

    4) Some people are naturally aggressive and will enjoy conflict and that leads to nasty words

    Not everyone is ALWAYS nasty, but people who are mean most of the time do have serious problems than those four mentioned above.

    I have to say; ALOT of people believe I am a nasty person sometimes. But really it is me being upfront and honest. You are right that a specific amount of nasty people are loners, why would you be aware of your words if you had little friends?

    Remember in any life situation. Nasty people probably do not realise how they are coming across as, speak to them normally and listen to the motives. Not the words!  

  2. I think there are different reasons why people are mean.  One reason might be that their parents were mean and socially awkward so that's how they learned to behave.  People can also be mean because they are insecure and don't know how to get others to like them.  Some are lonely because nobody likes them, but I think some know how to manipulate people, so they're popular (like in Mean Girls).  

    Most probably don't think of themselves as mean people.  People are good at protecting themselves by rationalizing their actions.  It's a self defense mechanism.  In their eyes, they're just protecting themselves from the other people who are out to get them.  

    There is hope for them because people grow and change with time and self reflection.  For example, people who were bullies in school often see how their actions were wrong once they get older and more mature.  

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