
When pregnant why dose your body temp stay high for help me?

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When pregnant why dose your body temp stay high for help me?




  1. Everything in your body is working in overdrive so it's common to have a slightly elevated temperature in pregnancy.

  2. Your basal temp is elevated during preg due to high progesterone levels. Progesterone Is an important hormone in your body that:

    Prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation.

    Keeps the lining of the uterus thick which is necessary for a successful pregnancy.

    Produces a rise in temperature after ovulation, which remains until menstruation occurs.

    Creates a nutrient rich environment for the baby by increasing glycogen and arterial blood to the lining of the uterus.

    Keeps the uterus from having contractions.

    Causes the cervix to thicken and create a mucous plug which prevents bacteria from entering the uterus.

    I know it can get uncomfortable sometimes. I drink lots of cold water and try to stay in cool places. I am 26 weeks and get hot so easily.

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