
When providing disc of photography to clients, what to include?

by  |  earlier

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On the disc that I give my photography clients after a photoshoot, do I include just the raw converted tiffs, or do i include the raw files as well?

Also, do I put © tags on the pictures?




  1. This is a tricky one, and for me depends on who my customer is. If I was commissioned for a photo shoot or to photograph a businesses head office or factory, then they get a disc with full res Raw files as well as Jpeg copies because they have paid up front for that. If its a wedding or some other, for the want of a better term 'retail' shoot then they just get low res jpegs to choose the pics for their already paid for album.

    The very least you should do regarding tagging the images with your copyright is to use IPTC tags. Photoshop can do this automatically when you download your images from the camera. This is invisible to the clients of course, my wedding pics have a discreet 'watermark' in the bottom right hand corner (done with a Photoshop action which resizes them at the same time and can be run on a batch - very quick), but not my trade ones.


  2. depends what they want, give them that,

    theres nothing unprofessional asking what format a client wants the work in, in fact its the oppistie

    i provide pegs to some, tiffs to most and raws rearly,

    © i would say no * depending on the details of the job payment et cetera, if people or property then a release is involved, if not and they hired you what are they paying for, exclusive rights or limited et cetera


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