
When punching, should you have your same foot in front as the arm your punching with or left leg, right fist?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard both, but it seems more natural to me to lead with the left leg and punch with the right arm.......just like throwing a baseball or football.




  1. If you are left (southpaw) handed your right foot should be out front

    If you are right handed (othodox) your left foot is outfront.

    The foot on the side you jab with should be your lead.  The foot of your powerhand should be back.

  2. no you are right. if you are right handed you would have your left leg forward. and that right hand punch is known as your right cross. the left punch you would throw while standing like that is your jab. someone who is left-handed also known as a south-paw would have a fighting stance with there right foot forward. If you want to learn how to box you need to go to a boxing gym. you should not try to train on your own. punching the wrong way can lead to injures of the elbow and shoulder. also if you want to compete and you train on your own you will end up on the canvas.

  3. As you mentioned the arm that u use to throw is usually your power punch and yes it stays back in a "cocking" fashion (looking for a open target from the opponent). The opening is created by your other hand usually leading the attack with a straight blow or "jab", This jab will be thrown using the same leg as the hand that u are using, (left leg moves forward as you throw the straight left jab).  Then immediately following with your power punch.  Check this video out, it shows the leg positions and arms.  Good luck!

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