
When r thing going to settle down?

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the prices are crazy at the mo 4 everything!!! will things get better?

If so how long before we will notice a difference??

I had a baby in december and was planning on being a stay at home mum for a bit and enjoying my little boy, but now iv got 2 go bk to work to be able to pay the bills, me and my husband just can't afford things on 1 wage!!




  1. One of two have to happen before things will settle down, one there is a New World Order, 'they win',  or our armies put down their weapons and come home, 'we win'.

  2. When the dollar settles down!And oil prices start to decrease!

  3. Al least a couple of years untill things get so bad that the rich can capitalise.

    When asking Western school children about the significance of Waterloo, the answer will be something along the lines of ‘the decisive battle between Napoleon and an English lead European coalition’. In fact, the future of the European continent was perceived to depend upon the battle of Waterloo. If Napoleon won, France would have been confirmed as the undisputed master of Europe. If Napoleon was beaten, England would have become the leading power in Europe and greatly expand its sphere of influence.

    What Western school children are not taught - for obvious reasons - is the much bigger story behind the official narrative, the story of one of the biggest frauds in human history. Nathan Rothschild, the head of the English branch of the Rothschild crime family, took advantage of his advance knowledge of the outcome of the battle by tricking the London Stock Exchange into believing that Napoleon had won. The resulting crash of the Exchange enabled Nathan Rothschild’s agents to buy the entire London stock market for a Penny in the Pound and seize control of the Bank of England.

    This shameless fraud was ruthlessly repeated in 1929. The private owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Rothschild subsidiaries J.P. Morgan, City Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank were awash with money earned by financing World War I. Using their market power, Rothschild’s agents first engineered an artificial boom in the stock market, tricking smaller banks and private investors into putting huge amounts of money into the stock market and then deliberately crashed it, enabling the Rothschild agents to buy most of the U.S. stock market. The ripple effect of the New York crash also enabled Rothschild agents in other countries, such as Germany, to buy local corporations at a fraction of their actual value.

    Eighty years later, it looks like our ruling psychopaths are at it again. They are systematically destroying trust in the U.S. dollar, causing holders of large amounts of green bags to sell them. At the same time, the Rothschild’s are preventing the European Central Bank from printing sufficient Euros for U.S. Dollar owners to exchange all of their holdings into Euros. That way Dollar owners are forced to buy gold instead, causing the gold price to explode.

    Simultaneously, the Rothschild’s are using their influence on the media sector to spread rumours of an imminent crash of the U.S. Dollar and international stock markets. As per usual, in the day and age of infowar, those rumours first started in the alternative Internet based media, only to spread into the mainstream business media. Last week’s ‘global stock and credit market warning’ of the Rothschild owned Royal Bank of Scotland means that the next Waterloo must be imminent.

    All it takes is a trigger such as a thwarted Israeli attack on Iran or the blocking of the Persian Gulf for oil transports, followed by a major stock sell-off by Rothschild agents. Once the world’s stock and credit markets have completely crashed, the price of an ounce of gold will be in the thousands, enabling the Rothschild’s and other owners of large gold holdings to buy the market for a fraction of their true value.

  4. when the democrats come and power and raise interest rates things will be better...don't forget with bush in charge wages have not risen porportionally to inflation

  5. well  firstly,  congatulations  on  the  baby  boy.

    secondly,  it  will  never  settle  down,  well  not  in  the  near  future  anyway.

    Have  u  thought  about  moving  to  a  different  country,  with  a  better standard  of  life.

  6. Speaking as a uk citizen, If I was elected as an independent and unlike the usual mp cronies with special interest obligations, are only really concerned with their own prosperity and advancements and who do nothing to inspire change, the least I'll do is voice the REAL concern of the average working class citizens and push for change for the betterment of this Island.!

  7. Life never 'settles down'   it is a series of continually moving events.

  8. 2 or 3 years, and house prices could drop by 40%.

  9. As per the general trend, you'll probably find that nothing is going to settle down - look at what we've got coming up:

    * Global Warming.

    * Worldwide Recession.

    * Shift of power from UK/ EU to India and China.

    * Oil stocks running out.

  10. Prices are all linked to oil due to the past complacency of governments. So we are at the mercy of the oil producers and as the oil runs out the prices can only go up in a market economy.

    Food is affected too because a lot of food oils and corn are being diverted to bio fuels.

    This is a good time to start cycling and growing your own vegetables.

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