
When racing in sailing who has right of way?

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When racing in sailing who has right of way?




  1. The boat that has the wind coming over the starboard side filling the main has the right of way.

    Also the downwind boat has the right of way because they have less manouverability .

    You have to give room at the mark and  no luffing rights after the upwind boathas gotten mast a beam in front of you.

  2. them in front

  3. The rules are very similar to the general rules of the road.

    Port gives way to starboard.

    Windward boat keeps clear.

    Inside boat has right to round a bouy without being obstructed provided they have an overlap within 2 boat lengths of the mark. If not then they must keep clear.

    There are other rules but those are the main 3 to take note of.

  4. The one who has his rudder in his left ( if he is using a stick rudder instead of a wheel rudder ). Meaning that if you go opposite ways due to the sail in front one can see and the other cant, and i think that the one that has his rudder in the left must let him pass..or is it right. o_o actually the more i write this the more insecure i become.

    But I think if they driver parallel and both want to go into a turn together that the one downwind has the right of way since he is in a disadvantage and i don't think its allowed to cut his wind away >.< ...atleast the italians always shout AQUA AQUA i dont know why but they name this violation aqua ._. even if that means watter, but they use it all the time even if you are not breaking this rule.

    Tip: when sailing against italians if they start shouting AQUA AQUA always shout bac AQUA AQUA at the first occasion.

  5. the biggest boat

  6. Usually the boat on starboard tack over the boat on port tack.

    If both boats on same tack, the boat sailing closet to the wind or the boat to leeward of the other boat.

  7. The one on port tack (with the sail on the starboard (right hand) side) gives way to the one on starboard tack (with the sail on the port (left hand) side.

    If they are on the same tack the one furthest upwind (closest to the wind direction) gives way.

    Overtaking boat gives way.

    Hence "port gives way to starboard" and "windward boat gives way"

    oh yes and at the buoys: within 3 boat lengths of the mark and two or boats are going round the mark at the same time. if one has an overlap on the other and is on the inside it can call for "water" ie. room to go around the mark without hitting the buoy.

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