
When radio shows have a special guest, do they have a special phone number that the guest can call?

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Last night on the Jason Lewis show, he said he was "expecting a call from former Speaker Newt Gingrich."

Do you think the station made Newt call the general number that everyone else calls, or do they give him a special number? Otherwise Newt would probably never get through. And anybody could impersonate him.




  1. This is how is works for the station I work for:

    There are 8 phone lines for general callers (they use the toll free number that everyone calls on) and 2 VIP lines that is a different number and only guests call on those lines. beforehand when the guest is being booked they (their publicist) are given the VIP number and that is the line they call. The VIP line is only used when making an outside call from the phone screener or the guest is calling in. That way the guest is actually able to get through and it is legitmately them. Does that make sense? I tried to describe it the best way I can hah

  2. That's where the term "hot line" comes from. A guest can be assured they won't get a busy signal and the host can go directly to him. That also ensures that the caller isn't pulling a prank. Most studios have a red light that lights up when there is someone on the hot line, and the host is usually expecting the call.

  3. yes

  4. of course, Newt Gingrich is a celebrity, given to deferential treatment, although he is also a lying, cheating, swindling piece of ****, ironically. I bet I could impersonate him, given time to watch video clips of him. what are you doing rotting your brain by listening to that radio show anyway?

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