
When reaching a solid conclusion that will significantly change your path in your life

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Do you fear the unknown aspects that have yet to be revealed or feel intrigued and ready to experience what is beyond that closed door?




  1. A little of both. It's not easy getting out of ones comfort zone, yet new possibilites exist with the hope of new insights and experiences. A person has to be mentally ready for the change and usually it is something they have been contemplating for a period of time. They have to be ready for growth even if it means failure. It can mean taking it in baby steps or taking a giant leap into the unknown. Either way, you have to admire someone who puts forth the effort to rise to the challenge.

  2. Personally, apprehension is always a part of approaching a life-changing decision or action. However compeling life's mysteries are I feel there is always a third force that catalyses or impels the change, altering it from speculation to compulsion or necessity.

    Generally speaking, if something is poised to change our lives we need to be brought by circumstances to the point where we are willing to explore that change, and some times even unwilling.

    Having so said, once we are shown by others or events that we are capable of certain things, going on to consciously embrace new experiences can of course be enlivening and liberating. Challenging ourselves is one of the biggest hurdles we can possibly face; consciously overcoming our own inertia.

  3. unknown is exciting, that lies behind the closed door, in the darkness,  better experience them to change your life significantly for the better..

  4. To be particular and willing to find more to understand, the door must be forced open. Then you must be daring enough to step out (not in) to find the correct path for your new journey in life.  You must be able to find peace and tranquility.

    It is a religious question of believe.

  5. well im getting for what is hopefully the best few months of my life. and while there is alil bit of apprehension about what might go right and what might go wrong, id say in general im excited and intrigued about the future.

  6. I've recently had a new outlook on life since a bad turn of events forced me to take a good look at where I'm going, and what I really want out of life.  The experience has given me a whole new perspective, and from what I've learned, I can't wait to get back out there and see what I can do with my new-found knowledge.  I used to be the exact opposite,  I was afraid of change, and like cap3382 said, about leaving my comfort zone.

  7. Life is the unknown.You don't know whats round the corner, or from one day to the next how that day is going to turn out.

    Life is a gamble,and you must think long and hard about what you are willing to risk.

    There are no certainties in our lives,any more than in

    promises made by others.

    My advice to anyone out there dithering over decisions,

    is: Only take on at any one time what you can comfortably handle.

    Don't risk losing anything you could not bare to lose.

    Oppertunities are few and far between,so if one comes along,that you know you are strong enough to give your best shot,take it.

    Don't wrap yourself in your own little comfort zone,

    just to stay safe and free from hurt.It is a very lonely

    place to be. Believe me!.

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