
When reading about abortion vs. adoption in a resolved question, I saw a link for a website that showed a live

by Guest61820  |  earlier

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When reading a resolved question on Yahoo!Answers I saw a link for a website that showed a live abortion. The question had to do with a girl asking about getting an abortion after she had been sexually active, and did not know who the father might be. I went to the website but was so frightened that I closed the page. Is anyone familiar with this website that shows a graphic, live abortion. I am against abortion.




  1. There are quite a few websites that show abortions- and videos too- and I think that if more people saw what really happened in an abortion- there would be far less.  abortion is hard on the woman too, even though many will not admit that.

  2. No, but I think it is horrendous to show it.

  3. Yea those gross me out. There was a truck driving around MY town with that on the side of it. I don't want my nephew or any little cousins seeing that. If it is disturbing adults imagine what it does to children? I'm sorry but those images are going too far. Actually the "pro-life" movement is going to far. They scream and spit at women who are just walking into planned parenthood (There is a court case that documents this). That is despicable to me. I am pro choice, mostly because I don't think it is any one persons decision as to who and who cannot get an abortion. I would never get one unless it was medically necessary and then I would still think about it. But who are we to say who can and cannot get one? We do not know the situation that the woman is in and she does. Who are we to judge?

  4. You should report it to Y!A.

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