
When recycling food containers...?

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My local recycling centre generally wont collect plastic food containers! Im really puzzled by this and im also out when they come around so i cant ask. Could it be because they havnt been washed out properly? Whats the problem?!




  1. If you are so concerned - then STOP buying food in the plastic containers..............

  2. it really annoys me! i never know what plastic im allowed to put in either the rules are really vague

  3. Call your local recycling center and check which number plastics/containers they DO collect.. Most plastic containers have a triagle w/ a number assigned to it... Some is recycleable others are NOT and you may have to find another use for them... Also, if they are NOT clean they might NOT take them as well... Just call you local recycling center and they will tell you....

    good luck

  4. i live in wake county. we have a small festival in the spring (spring daze) and the town has booths set up to spread awareness. at the booth promoting recycling i inquired about the specific palstics accepted in our town (cary) and the answer i received was that there was no demand (ie $$$$$) for anything above a 1 or 2--but surprisingly a few months after the town sent out a newsletter stating that they were now accepting containers up to 7!!! take a look in you house--that opens up a whole new avenue of recycling. i do agree with reusing butter tubs and such but the plastic starts to wear down so i only use them a few times. if you have large yogurt containers and such you couls donate them to a school or arts camp program--we are using a bunch of them in my sculpting class at wake tech. it's a matter of being thrifty and using what's already out there instead of mass consuming more more more right? sooooo...see if you can talk to someone at the recycling plant to get more specific answers in regards to your town.* i live in an apartment so i don't have the luxury of curb pick-up. i used to drive out to raleigh once every week or 2 b/c they take almost everything, but now cary does most of the same too so maybe it's an option to make a trip out here every so often? if you have room to hold onto empties that is.

  5. According to New York Department of Sanitation, plastic container or take out container cannot be recycled, well as plastic and clear plastic cups.

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