
When referencing someone in a application (for a job, etc.) do you have to let the person know your....?

by  |  earlier

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referencing them?




  1. i would if i were you , cause once i gave a reference of some one without permission and they never hired me again saying " that was very rude and inconsiderate of me " and i read somewhere that you have to ,so yes you do have to ask

  2. Let the person know that you have given his name as a reference. It's not only polite, it's the wise thing to do. Otherwise, anybody could call anyone associated with you to get information to which they are not entitled.

    I wouldn't speak to anyone calling for a reference unless I have been notified (and agreed to) that I was being listed as a reference.

  3. it would be polite to do that

    its also a good idea beacause they will appreciate it, and maybe you will get a reward or something



  4. If you want them to react favourably it would be a polite and good idea to do so.

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