
When renewing a drivers licence if you have "sleep Apnoea" what are the repocussions on your drivers licence?

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Does Sleep Apnoea affect insurance, job (if your job involves a lot of driving), what are the long term affects when this is declared on renewing your drivers licence?




  1. I have worked as insuarance adviser for over 10 years and I can honestly say that you should inform the DVLA of your condition and your insurers. Unless the DVLA restrict your license then you will have no problems at all. I insure a guy with only one arm who has no restrictions on his driving license and therefore does not affect his insurance, just be honest. In the event of a claim if this has not been disclosed to the insurers they will investigate and possibly invalidate your insurance and your claim.

  2. you should check with your consultant, if you wear a sleep mask which puts air under pressure into your nose you should be ok but check with the doc first because it could make your insurance nul and void

  3. Don't ask, Don't tell! Sleep apnea will not affect your insurance or your drivers license. However, I would not volunteer the information either.

  4. You will never be asked about it. Just make sure you have a good insurance policy.

  5. Since sleep apnea only occurs while sleeping and driving only occurs while awake, I cannot see the issue. I have a co-worker with that condition and there are no restrictions to her driving.

    Sleep apnea could affect the quality of your rest, therefore I can see where you should avoid a high stress job or a job where you put a lot of hours in like truck driving because of the risk of falling asleep since you are not getting fully recharged in the same amount of time someone without this condition will.



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