
When renting a home what does £__.__PCM stand for

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When renting a home what does £__.__PCM stand for




  1. The amount of money you give in rent "per calendar month".

  2. per calendar month (rather than 4 weekly)

  3. What they all said--per calender month.

  4. per calender month

  5. Per Calendar Month

  6. It means that this is the fixed price that you pay for every month as denoted on the calender regardless of the number of days/weeks in the month.

  7. However many £'s per calender month

  8. per calender month

  9. Lucy has answered your question..per calendar month

  10. £ (pounds) per calendar month.

  11. per calendar month

    because if you paid for four week months you would pay 12 X 4 which is only 48 weeks.

    Aa calendar month is 30 or 31 days

  12. Per calender month. It means that whatever is due and you say £250. will be due on the same date of the month say the 15th every month regardless of how short of long that month is.

  13. £ Per calender month

  14. Per calender month i.e the rent is due on the same day of every month

  15. per calender month because sometime there is 5 weeks in a month

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