
When renting out an apartment...?

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I'm 19 and i have a good job. 40 hours a week and i make $10 an hour. I'm a sophomore in college and i would like to move out of my parents house. so me and my friend were thinking about getting an apartment together. she has a good job at the local country club as the pool manager. we both make good money. so what i am asking is...

rent for a two bedroom is $885. who ever gets the master will pay more. so if you divide that by two that is 462.50.

i know you will pay utilities, but does that all come in one payment?

or how many bills will we have coming in and what is a normal electricity bill?

water bill?

if yall are getting what im saying...?

i have a car payment which i pay on my own. and i also have car insurance, which i also pay on my own.

i would just like to know what kind of bills will be coming in?

how many different ones?




  1. If utilities are not included...count on paying the following.




    Sewer & Garbage



    Can't tell you on what you bill might be since it varies greatly on where you live.

    Here in NY (Long Island) you can expect to pay:

    Electric: $120.00 a month

    Heat: $200.00 a month during the winter months

    Water: $40.00 a month

    Sewer & Garbage $40.00 a month

    Cable: $50-100 a month

    Internet: $25.00-50.00 a month

  2. No I don't agree with whoever gets the master bedroom pays more.  Your both going to be living there.  Now onto the bills:



    Propane (depending on the places set up)

    Water & Sewer


    Phone (optional)

    Cable or Satelite (optional)

    Internet (optional)

    Renters Insurance to protect your items in case of accident caused by either renter.  (highly suggest renters insurance)

    You should find out what's included in the rent when you apply.

    that way you will have a better idea you might be able to find out through your local electric what the average bill was for the place your looking at to rent.

  3. Different apartments pay different utilities. In some you will not pay water. When looking at apartments, the best thing is to keep a notebook of the apartments you look at, and have them tell you what utilities are included in your rent and what they pay for. They can also usually tell you the range of price per month for these bills. Also, I would use this budget template to plan out your expenses. It will help make sure you remember other expenses like food, gas, cell phone, auto maintenance, etc. Good luck. Living in on your own is a very big step, and can be very rewarding, if you plan well.

  4. good to think about this before moving

    you shouldn't pay more than 1/4 of income on housing

    your utilities are part of housing, and the costs vary depending on area of country and usage. . . .usually utility will tell you average monthly cost for that apartment if you call them, but your costs could be higher/lower

    utilities include water (sewer, garbage), electricity, gas, phone, cable, internet.  So with all utilities your monthly cost should definitely be less than 1/3 of monthly income

    Each utility bills you separately, monthly , and many require deposits, particularly if you haven't had account before

  5. As a rule of thumb you only want to be paying 1/3 of your income at most.  Around 1/5 for a student paying tuition.

    If the apartment is not inclusive you will be paying you electric, possibly gas bill.

    You will also have




    (water will be included)

    You will also have to worry bout food and transportation, possibly parking if you have a car.

  6. Yes - it would be fair to pay a little more for the master, as long as it is bigger and has it's own bathroom- some places call it a master but it is really the same size as the other bed room and often you still have to share a bathroom.

    We really need to know what town because utilities are not the same everywhere.

    Were I live for example - With in Bandon water, sewer and power is all on 1 bill, but out side of town your power could be from a separate company.  So we really have no way to tell you how many bills you will get.

    As far as what kinds of bills - you will have water, sewer, power, garbage, phone, and cable

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