
When responding to a question in the business side of the questions on yahoo answers,?

by  |  earlier

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The question was how can I earn money of the internet, so I supplied the following adress,

which works well for me, but I got a e-mail stating that my answer had been reported and removed as it is in violation of the Q/A's rules, I have read through the terms and conditions and I can not see why somebody would report this answer, I also went back to the question and another person had put down the same site, so it obviously was not just me trying to be helpful by supplying this site, why was I reported?




  1. The link doesn't work, not for me anyway. If you are really bothered, reply to Yahoo and get your answer reinstated. I think they just delete them automatically if someone reports it as abuse.

  2. I don't know but perhaps next time you can type up a helpful answer instead of just putting a link.  That might help.  Best of luck.

  3. Someone thought the answer to be spam

    If you don't think the answer was spam, I strongly suggest you appeal the violation. Afterall, it is an answer to the question "how to make money on the internet"

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