
When returning ½ of the deposit?

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So I rented out a house and the occupants left the house messy and didn’t pay some of the utility bills. So I’m not giving then the full deposit back.

Do I have to give them a list of all the things I am taking money out of the deposit for? IS there an online form I can use or maybe an example of one so I can make my own up?




  1. You'll have to refer to the line in the contract that they violated. You'll have to say how much it is for each "infraction". You don't need a form, just your business letterhead, and the items listed with $$ amount by each one.

  2. You can just type them up a note on your comp saying

    Thanks for renting, blah blah. The following deductions were made from your security deposit:

    $150 cleaning fee (3 hrs @ $50/hr)

    $76.34 unpaid electric bill


    $437.66 deposit remaining.

    Please find a check enclosed for $437.66. Have a nice day.

    - Landlord

    If you do pay someone for cleaning the place save your bills. While it is unlikely to happen, they can challenge you on the cleaning fees. Really though you can write a check to your friend for $150, write "for cleaning unit 123 Street", have them cash it and give the money back, and bam, you have a recepit.

  3. YES - You must give them a final accounting and receipts for ALL deductions.

    Just put the total deposit paid at the top, list deductions and have a total due back to tenant at the bottom.

  4. Yes  you do.

    It does't have to be fancy....just include the date...the address of the rental premises...your name and tenants name.

    Then list the total security given...including appropriate amount of interenst and list the deduction items and in a second column the amounts.

    Now that being said...what do you mean you are withholding money for utilities they did not pay...weren't they in thier name?   If not and they were supposed to be paying you directly then of course  you can deduct for that. (the exact amounts plus late payment fees charged by the utility provider.  For the cleaning of their mess and any cost in hauling garbage to the must have receipts for what you spent.  Any damage...receipts for what  you spent.

    This would all depend of course on where you live and the laws in your area.  Is there a rental agency that overseas this sort of thing?

  5. YES you should give them a detailed invoice for each charge, because they could dispute it and you want to protect yourself.  You can make a simple spreadsheet on excel or here is a site that has an example form.

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