
When riding Amtrak, can i catch an earlier train than the ticket i purchased?

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if i am travelling Amtrak from say Philadelphia to Washington, DC and i arrive at 1:00, and the next train is at 1:20 (But i had purchased a ticket for the 2:20 train online and went to pick it up at the kiosk) can i board the 1:20 train or will the conductors get mad at me and not accept my ticket?

Also for the same way in reverse...what if i have a ticket for the 2:20 train and arrive late, so i miss that train, can i get on the 3:20 train?




  1. For a reserved train, the ticket will only be honored on the train that's on the ticket.  At a major station, you will be stopped at the gate and won't get as far as the train.

    What folks in your situation do, is they stop at the ticket counter and see if they can switch the ticket for the more convenient train.  If there's a seat, they'd be happy to do so.

    As for arriving late, in theory your ticket is no good, but you can go to the ticket counter and see if they'll have pity on you and give you a ticket for the latter train.  If you know you won't be able to make the train you're ticketed for, it's best to call Amtrak at 1-800-USARAIL and try to change it.

  2. Amtrak moved to all reserved trains few years ago so the train number on your ticket should match the train you're on.

    I don't know about missing the train but you can almost always show up early and get on earlier train if you go to the ticket agents.  Sometimes you may have to pay a little more if there's a price difference between the trains.

  3. Just go check with the ticket agent, many times they are willing to work with you. I actually missed my train last week in N.C.  I talked to the ticket agent and she refunded that ticket and gave me another one for the next train through. Ended up being cheaper. But it just depends on who you talk to and what kind of day they are having.

  4. Just go to the ticket counter.  They should be able to switch the time for you.  Just don't get on the train, because when you are caught you will be put off at the next station.

  5. if the train isnt reserved you should be okay

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