
When rolling 2 dice, what is the probability of getting a combined total "7"?

by  |  earlier

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Experiment: Roll Two Dice

Possible Outcomes: Any number from 1 to 6 can appear on each die.

There are 36 possible outcomes

Each Outcome in the Sample Space is equally probable.

So the probability of each outcome is 1/36

What is the probability of the Event - “get combined total of 7 on the dice”




  1. there are 6 ways you can roll a seven, so 6/36 = 1/6

    oh, the best way to do this is to make a table with one die listed on top (can get 1-6) and the second down the side:

    .......1   2   3   4   5   6







    Make squares and add each row and column - see how many times you get 7.  Notice there are 36 sums in the table.

  2. you have already answered this question.

    the answer is the same. 6 possible ways of getting 7 out of 36 possible outcomes so 3/36 = 1/6.

  3. the odds of geting a "7" on the dice is   6 /1

    There is 36 different combinations on the dice..  

    6 different combo's

    3,4  --  4,3  --  5,2  --  2,5  -- 6,1 - 1,6..

    So, divide 36 into 6 and the odds are  6/1

  4. ya

    i got 2 points

  5. 1/6.

    Easy way to see it: Think of throwing one die first, then the second. The first outcome can be any x from 1 to 6, but whatever the first throw is the second has to be 7 - x, which is again from 6 to 1, so the probability of hitting that with the second die is 1/6. The probability doesn't change if you throw the dice together, because the dice can' talk to each other! (they are independent events)

  6. 2 = 1+1

    3 = 1+2 = 2+1

    4 = 1+3 = 2+2 = 3+1

    5 = 1+4 = 2+3 = 3+2 = 4+1

    6 = 1+5 = 2+4 = 3+3 = 4+2 = 5+1

    7 = 1+6 = 2+5 = 3+4 = 4+3 = 5+2 = 6+1

    8 = 2+6 = 3+5 = 4+4 = 5+3 = 6+2

    9 = 3+6 = 4+5 = 5+4 = 6+3

    10 = 4+6 = 5+5 = 6+4

    11 = 5+6 = 6+5

    12 = 6+6

    There are 36 total combinations, and 6 of them result in a total of 7, so the probability of rolling a 7 is 6/36 or...


  7. Use this table to see all 36 outcomes of rolling two dice.  The first column is the face showing on die1 and the first row is the face showing on die2.  The other values in the table are the sum of the two dice.








    assuming fair dice

    P(sum = 2 ) = 1 / 36

    P(sum = 3 ) = 2 / 36

    P(sum = 4 ) = 3 / 36

    P(sum = 5 ) = 4 / 36

    P(sum = 6 ) = 5 / 36

    P(sum = 7 ) = 6 / 36

    P(sum = 8 ) = 5 / 36

    P(sum = 9 ) = 4 / 36

    P(sum = 10 ) = 3 / 36

    P(sum = 11 ) = 2 / 36

    P(sum = 12 ) = 1 / 36

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