
When school <span title="starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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when school starts would u wear a short top or long sleeve?..what do u think of someone that wear a sweater?




  1. lol, depends on the weather... if its raining then long sleeve/sweater... if not raining then short :)

  2. It doesn&#039;t matter what you wear as long as you feel comfortable in it so good luck!

  3. well dont wear anything like a tube top lol but i think a normal t-shirt would be fine! it also depends on the weather! but make sure you feel confterable in what your going to wear! :)


  4. Who ever would were a sweater would scare me.

    But then again its according to the weather :)

    Have a nice day

    P.s. just play it safe and wear short sleeves with a lil sweater with you.

  5. for me school starts the 18th. um. id say short top i haven&#039;t planned my wardrobe yet but ill probably wear short sleeves. our dress code says no tanks so that really limits me. i would probably wear a tank. : (

    i like sweaters too! good luck with your first day.

  6. Well I think you should always dress according to the weather...since you can find cute things in any style (long or short sleeves, etc) you might as well be comfortable!  If its too hot and you wear a sweater you&#039;re doomed because you&#039;re going to overheat and start sweating!  Obviously it can go the other way too, and if you wear something too short/skimpy you&#039;ll be freezing all day.  You dont want to focus on how uncomfortable you feel instead of just enjoying your first day!

    Since its summer in the Northern Hemisphere, if you&#039;re in the US you should probably wear something more summer-like - short sleeves, tank top, etc, whatever is acceptable at your school.  You&#039;ll have plenty of time to wear sweaters and long sleeves later on.  

    But maybe it would be best to have two possible outfits ready.  You may have the same pants or skirt, but be ready with a possible short sleeve shirt, and a possible sweater or long sleeve shirt.  You can decide in the morning or the night before, based on the weather, what you want to wear.

    When it doubt, though, I would totally choose a short top but bring some sort of jacket/sweater/over shirt to have just in case.  Overall you just want to be comfortable and dressed appropriately.  The people who wear sweaters because they&#039;re cute even though its 80 degrees, or those who wear short tops because they&#039;re cute even though its 40, always ended up looking like real fools to me!  So go with your gut, and have a great first day of school!

  7. short sleeve. i&#039;d think, &quot;man, she must be so hot wearing a sweater!&quot;

  8. Lol I&#039;d be paying attention to their face and body.

    What do I think of someone in a sweater?

    They&#039;re cold.

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