
When school starts and i have my baby in dec. how will i shower?

by  |  earlier

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ill be home alone and i shower every morning, and for school ill need to shower around 6 am. the baby will be upstairs in the crib.. can i just shower ? i know the saying never leave the baby alone but then how do people shower who are alone with the babe in the morning?!




  1. If the baby is safe in his/her crib you should be fine.  Check the baby just before and as soon as possible after your shower.  Think of it this way - the baby is in its crib for several hours at night without you standing over watching every move.

  2. Put a baby monitor in the room with the baby and take the other in the bathroom with you. Make sure you can hear the baby with the water running though and make sure you stay long enough to just take you r shower and get out.

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