
When searching for a job in Montreal does one need a resume in English and one in French?

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I am not bilingual but am trying to learn. I just graduated from ECI in Vancouver and have a bachelor in media arts so I would ideally like to work in a related industry but will settle for anything while I explore the art scene in the city. I would like to prepare a resume and artistic CV but I am wondering if I need to have both a French and an English one even though I don't speak French...yet. Should I have a professional do this for me?




  1. Congratulations on your recent graduation and B.A. in Media by the way!

    Because you're not really fluent in French yet, I would avoid sending resumes in French for now.

    Like someone else said - what if they reply in French?

    Too risky by a long shot!

    Try and stick to English for now and send it to companies that seem to operate in English too (or at least that appear bilingual).

    Good luck finding a decent and well paid job!

  2. If you're fluent in french send your CV in french, if you're English and very hard on french do an English one...

  3. There are a lot of companies that are English speaking, like mine for example. So no, just send an English resume and write in the "languages spoken" section, 'English and some French' so you get some recognition for trying.

    Good luck.

  4. Do not send French resume is you don't speak french, It gives the wrong impression and is a definite "Faux-pas" if they reply in french

  5. If u don't speak french, send a resume in english you'll be fine

    I did that on my own experience and still got calls from employers

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