
When searching for a tradesman on yellow pages?

by Guest62188  |  earlier

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which one would yyou call?

1) the one with the bigest add

2) the one with the nicest looking add

3) or the one closest to you.

You can just say 1,2 or 3. cheers




  1. stick with the local one

  2. None of the above. Look for experience, price, etc.....

  3. 1 cheers!

  4. none of the above -- the one recommended to me by neighbors,  or the one who has great on-line recommendations on Yahoo!, yelp, Google Local etc.

    Word of mouth is  the ONLY thing I use (in-person or online).  We recycle our phone books the day they arrive.

  5. Non of the above. shop around for best service and price

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