
When selling a currency pair, what order do I use to take profits?

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I am reading and learning forex trading using a demo account. I am selling the USD/CHF. I have my buy-stop in place above the market in case it moves against me. I learned this is a good money management practice. I have my take profit target set but do not know the order to implement that will allow me to leave the computer and not have to monitor the position. Any advice from the pros will greatly enhance my learning experience. Thanks so much!




  1. place a limit order for the target price you want. and if you are leaving your computer, you might also want to place a stoploss order.

    There should be a button you can click for that, depending on which broker's platform you are using.

  2. Focus more on fundamentals than technical analysis. Economic news analysis is what moves the markets.

    Here is a free site that shows what has happened after economic news releases:

  3. Since you are in the process of learning Forex, therefore, I would say concentrate on learning Trailing Stop, Buy Stop, Sell Stop and Stop loss. Personally, I don't use ay stop loss, but, trailing stops are really good to me. Just see my statement:

  4. As a general rule of thumb, traders should set stop/loss orders closer to the opening price than limit orders.  If this rule is followed, a trader needs to be right less than 50% of the time to be profitable. For example, a trader that uses a 30 pip stop/loss and 100-pip limit orders, needs only to be right 1/3 of the time to make a profit. Where the trader places the stop and limit will depend on how risk-adverse he is. Stop/loss orders should not be so tight that normal market volatility triggers the order. Similarly, limit orders should reflect a realistic expectation of gains based on the market's trading activity and the length of time one wants to hold the position. In initially setting up and establishing the trade, the trader should look to change the stop loss and set it at a rate in the 'middle ground' where they are not overexposed to the trade, and at the same time, not too close to the market.   Limit orders, also known as profit take orders, allow Forex traders to exit the Forex market at pre-determined profit targets. If you are short (sold) a currency pair, the system will only allow you to place a limit order below the current market price because this is the profit zone. Similarly, if you are long (bought) the currency pair, the system will only allow you to place a limit order above the current market price. Limit orders help create a disciplined trading methodology and make it possible for traders to walk away from the computer without continuously monitoring the market.

    Visit this site for more information. Their system allows traders to change  their trade orders as many times as they wish Free of charge, either as a stop loss or as a take profit. The trader can also close the trade manually without a stop loss or profit take order being hit. Many successful traders set their stop loss price beyond the rate at which they made the trade so that the worst that can happen is that they get stopped out and make a profit.

    Should you wish to trade with them, for a minimum deposit of $100 they will provide you a personal Account Service Manager  with whom you can discuss live any of your technical questions and will even trade along with you to make sure you get familiar with their system.

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