
When s***n drys does it turn grey or black please explain??!!

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  1. it dries clear white and turns hard (not to powder).

  2. No it drys white.

    Shawn C.

  3. no it should be white

  4. If it's grey or black then you have some serious problems!  It will dry clearish/white.

  5. When it dries, it stays white, and has a powdery texture.

  6. it dries out and flaks

  7. Can turn out grayish or white:never black.

    Blood can dry brown or black.


  8. Grey or Black?  Its usually white when it dries.  Don't know where you got grey or black.

  9. It generally dries to a powdery white consistency, I'm not aware of it turning grey nor black.  It's just like any colloidial suspension or solution in which the fluid component evaporates leaving behind residual precipitant.

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