
When setting up a surround system is it best that i face the speakers towards the wall?

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Should I face the speakers towards the wall having the sound waves bounce off the wall...whats the best way to get the BEST quality our of my home theater?




  1. They should be pointed at you.  Your sub is a little different, you want it close to a wall especially if it has ports (openings) in the back.  The closer to the wall the more bass.  Some companies have different ideas about speaker set-up. Ive played with mine ALOT and find the best sound when they are facing directly at my head.  The sound goes where the speakers point basically.

  2. You want most speakers to be direct-radiators (pointed at or near the primary seating location).

    Back in the ProLogic days, Dolby told sound engineers to put non-locatable sounds to the rear speakers. This included wind/rain/rumbles.  Sometimes people would use dipole speakers or point the rears to reflect off the wall to further hide the sound source.

    But Dolby Digital 5.1 changed all that.  The sound engineer WANTS to draw your attention to one rear speaker or one front speaker. So for a more modern system - pointing at the listener is the way to go.

    "BEST" quality:

    Get a copy of Avia or Digital Video Essentials (Netflix carries one of these) and buy a Radio Shack analog SPL meter.

    The DVD's have a tutorial and test tones that show you how to calibrate your speaker levels. This way you will compensate your system so it mimics what the sound engineers user.

  3. Like the guys said, Face them towards you. Actually you dont want too much reflection. Not unless you have a custom theater room then you can install sound panels. This helps absorb sound waves so you get the best possible sound out of your system. Does you receiver have auto setup for your speakers? If not I would get a sound meter and a set up DVD for your system. AVIA or Sound and Vision home theater tune up. Both help alot and teach you also. I have the sound & vision one. Works awsome.

  4. ok just a little info. High frequencies are directional. So you want them pointed somewhat toward the seating area. Does not have to be directly at you. The sub frequency goes around in every direction and can be placed anywhere because of this.

  5. No. Facing the speaker to the wall is not a good idea. Look for an ideal setting in the link below:

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