
When severe asthmatics get sick...?

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I'm severely asthmatic. When I get sick (be it a cold or any type of infection) it makes my asthma act up a lot and pretty much limits me for at least a week. For instance, I was having non-stop attacks for 4-5 days, went to the doctor and found out I had an ear infection and a cold that was making my asthma act up. Was put on antibiotics and it took a little over a week til I felt better. I had to cancel plans with a friend b/c I got sick.

If you're severely asthmatic, does this ever happen to you when you get sick? Do your friends ever get mad at you when u have to cancel? Do they ever understand that when u get sick, u also get other complications b/c of asthma?




  1. Asthmatic since birth, parents had to move from the east coast to get me to the California sun.  I carry two different inhaler's so that if I get an attack I won't die.  I even have a nebulizer at home in case a severe attack keeps me from getting to the ER quickly enough.


    Take asthma seriously, see your doctor and he will get you to an allergist to decipher what your triggers are so that you can avoid them.  Your doctor will equip you with the proper meds/inhaler's to care for yourself and the allergist will clue you as far as what to stay clear of.


    As far as your "friends" are concerned....  F em!  Are they too young, uncaring or just plain stupid not to give concessions for your illness??  Maybe your "best" friends will understand once you take them aside and explain?  I hope so.  Take care.

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