
When shopping,would you give your shoes and socks to charity to get a 75 percent discount?besides cold weather

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When shopping,would you give your shoes and socks to charity to get a 75 percent discount?besides cold weather




  1. That has to one of the most rediculos ideas i ever heard. But Sure I guess

  2. I wouldn't have any. The only time I have footwear with me at all is when it is extremely cold, as long as it's not well below freezing I am always barefoot and do not carry footwear of any kind.

    I finally got around to cleaning out my closet & attic some time ago and I threw out all footwear except for that emergency footwear for extreme weather & black boots in case I ever want to do use them for SF/Star Trek costuming again (Costuming is the only thing I might voluntarily wear footwear for, although these past ten years I've chosen costumes I could be barefoot with). Everything else I already donated to charity, without getting or expecting anything in return.

  3. Freakin' totally. I mean, come on, getting an incentive to donate to a good cause? Now that's a bargain.

  4. to rite i would expecially if it was something expensive for a special occasion

  5. Never, I may lose my legs.

  6. Depends on which shoes I was wearing, sowwy!


  7. Absolutely! The shoes I own are torn up.

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