
When shopping do you call ahead?

by  |  earlier

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When you go shopping, but you are not sure if a store has the item you want, do you phone ahead to see if they have it in stock, or do you just go to the store blindly?




  1. I always call because I don't have a car, I have to take the bus so it helps to know if a store has an item or not.

  2. If I'm looking for something specific, then I definitely call ahead.  

  3. Going to a store to purchase a particular item isn't really 'shopping'.

    It's 'buying'.

    If I have a particular need in mind, then I will often call ahead.  For example, if I need a replacement blind for my house, I would call a couple of stores in my area to make sure that I was going to the correct place.

    However, if I'm just 'shopping' for a new pair of shoes, I would go to the local shoe stores to see what they had to offer.

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