
When should I apply for spring semester 09?

by  |  earlier

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Applying to Rutgers, SUNY Albany, Montclair, Rowan.

When should I apply for best chances, for housing availability as well?




  1. probably in october

  2. ASAP. the sooner, the better.

  3. As soon as possible is what have heard.

  4. you should do it as soon as possible. i think Albany's spring deadline is November. that's only 2 months away

  5. i would say apply on this labor day so you dont forget and my friend ould give you his house cause he moves out then at 7:30 pm.

  6. The schools usually have timelines posted online  as to when they start accepting applications for a specific terms.  go to the websites and see if theres a way for someone to contact you if theres no inforamtion listed.

  7. go on and search those schools. they list application deadlines. they might already be over for spring though.

  8. why not go to school on line easier

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