
When should I baby dance??

by Guest55805  |  earlier

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I finish my period on the 11 of July usually my period comes every 36 days.. When are the best days to BD??





  1. With such a long cycle, I would recommend using an ovulation kit. You can buy them at Walmart, Target, grocery stores, etc. I have a long cycle as well and it is hard to predict your fertile days. The kits seem to work pretty well if you remember to test at the same time every day.

    Good luck!

  2. There is no way to know for sure when you ovulate unless you use an Ovulation Prediction Kit, or chart your Basal Body Temp and use that info to pinpoint ovulation. If you don't do those things, you are just guessing and may or may not be right. Try having s*x (s*x - not baby dancing, sorry that term annoys me coming from an adult, no offense) a lot towards the middle of your cycle. Unless your husband has known sperm count issues, it will do no harm to have s*x every single day from say, day 14 until day 24 of your cycle. You could also do it every other day and have a good chance. Sperm can live for up to 5 days too. Once you ovulate, the egg survives from 12-24 hours.

    A great book to learn a TON about your body and cycles is "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".

    Good luck!

  3. If you're on a cycle of 36 days, your most likely ovulation date is CD22, so you should BD daily starting CD18 until CD24, and sooner if you like :) Count the FIRST day of your last period as CD1.

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