
When should I become concerned about the actions of an insurance adjuster?

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Two months ago we had a fire. I have submited over $60,000 in paid receipts and proposals to our insurance adjuster. We have only recieved $5,000. One check for around $2,000 Jan. 6 and one 2 weeks ago for around $2,000.

The insurance adjustor was in our home without our knowledge, has called our workmen and discussed private insurance related matters yet only returned two of our seven calls. This person has asked our remodeling carpenter to send his estimates directly. This is not the first time I have been circumvented with subs. This individual hasn't answered any questions asked in writing over the past 2 months yet is friendly and supportive during one of the only two returned calls, even going so far as recommending I purchase more coverage. The adjuster has told me not to worry; "I have the best coverage money can buy, I am a prefered policy holder, don't expect any big checks, evenutally the smell..etc."

We are fish out of water.

Thank you in advance,





  1. You need to talk to your agent, and have the agent call the adjuster, to tell them that you are really uncomfortable being out of the loop.

    On the other hand, if the contractor is happing working directly with the adjuster and getting paid by them (AFTER the work is completed!!)  your micromanaging things is possibly going to just complicate the situation.  

    So, after getting $5K, how much work has been done?  AFter you get $5K of work done, you can request more money.  You can't doctor estimates.  

    HOnestly, it sounds like you're trying to adjust your OWN claim.  

    But an adjuster shouldn't be making coverage recommendations, anyway.  Unless you're seriously underinsured (which is possible), in which case they should be referring you over to the agent, to discuss policy limits.

  2. If the house is full of workmen, the adjuster may just drop by if he's in the area to discuss the repairs with the contractor. He does not have to tell you in advance he's going to be there.

    The estimates should go directly from the contractor to the adjuster. Sending the estimates through you only slows the process down. However, if you want a copy of the estimate, just ask your contractor to give one copy to the adjuster and another to you.

    The final estimate probably is not completed. The adjuster just does not pay the contractor what ever he wants--- what ever the amount of the estimate he submits. Frequently the estimates get reviewed, revised and the final number may not be what the original estimate was.

    Your best bet is to go to the adjusters office and sit down with him face to face.

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