
When should I eat these?

by Guest45184  |  earlier

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Should I eat peanuts/protein before or after I run? What should I do after that?




  1. Id say after.

  2. It's best to eat something high in protein right after exercising. That's when the muscles are recouperating and need the protein.

  3. before, i guess.

  4. After is best.  LIke Travis says, you need proteins afterward more than before.  Also you get more fat off that way.

  5. From what I understand there is not really a consensus about eating before or after doing cardio.  If you eat after you burn more calories from fat during the run, but throughout the day you'll burn more from food so it all kind of evens out (whereas if you eat before you'll burn more food energy during the run but more fat throughout the day).

    I'd go with after though just because it is probably easier running on an emptier stomach.

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