
When should I expect Puppies?

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My boxer is 55 days pregnant and doesn't seem like she is going to be able to go much longer. Do they always go 63 days?




  1. Usually, its around 60 but it could be a Little earlier, but if its too early, go check with your vet.

  2. This is my standard answer and meant for information to get resources to you for your dog. Not meant to offend just to save time!


    Okay you don't know if dog is in heat, how often, or what to do, or you think your dog is pregnant, when its ready to give birth, i want to breed etc etc etc ?

    If you are asking this question you MUST read up and have material on hand and if your dog gives birth.  If you are in time sensitive situation  check your library or local bookstore!

    This book is a good one. If you cannot wait you might be able to get it at barnes and noble locally. There is also a breeding for dummies book Take a look at the books and the information they will provide.  some of the sites that compare like amazon have a review also.

    YOU NEED to get educated and FAST as pregnancies are only 63 days and it GOES fast.Build a list of three books and go pick them up locally or order from my site which whatever.If your dog is birthing or just given birth it is not to late as the best books deal with care afterwards of mom and pups.

    Just get some material to have on hand! Find a mentor in real life someone that has gone through this before.

    Breeding a Litter prenatal and postnatal care

    my blog:

  3. hun, she could go anytime soon so keep your eyes open

  4. Have Fun! My Lab just had puppies Tuesday/Wednesday.

    She went after 57 days.

    Have your Vet on stand-by.

    She will start pacing and panting.

    You will notice when she is sitting and goes to stand up she will l**k the spot she was sitting in.

    Getting a temp on my dog was hard and it was stressing her out so I just watched her behavior.

    She will not eat her favorite snacks, mine loves peanut butter, when she turned that away I knew it was a matter of time.

    If this is your first litter to experience - be patient. It took my dog 12 1/2 hours to have 11 puppies. The first 3 were back to back then she evened it out and took her time. Offer her ice in a bowl when she is resting. Good luck!!!!

  5. Its usually about 2-3 month.

    So 60- 90 day usually.

    Just watching to see if she has them, make sure she goes to the vet, so they can help with her pregnancy.

  6. *restraint*

    What kind of behaviors are making you think your boxer won't carry to term?  Is she acting ill?  Have you contacted your vet?  Do you think you have reason to worry?  

    Puppies born THIS early are likely to struggle in the beginning.

    Hopefully your boxer will continue to carry the pups for a few more days.

    Please, no offense, but you seem a little unsure about the breeding process.  I highly suggest you work on educating yourself completely.  Asking this question on Y!A leads me to believe you still have some knowledge to gain.  Either study up a smidgeon more in the couple years before your next litter, or have her spayed as soon as she's weaned the puppies.

    I hope your boxer and her puppies remain healthy.

  7. They can be early, it depends on the breed and individual dog but 63 days is the norm. A few days earlier is fine and there is only just over a week until they are expected, so don't be worried if they come this week. Most dogs look like they can't take much more at that stage! Also this may be an indication that she is having qutie a lot of puppies at the normal growth rate, this is why she is so big.

    Good luck!

  8. Its almost always 63 days, but 61-65 days is ok.

  9. They don't always have to go that long. They can go a couple days before the time the puppies are due. Good luck with the puppies!

  10. my dog gave birth when she got to day 59

  11. A dog does give birth in 9 week/63 days.  You should wait a few more days.


  12. Count 63 days from the day of breeding.

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