
When should I get my GHIN?

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I'm a fairly regular golfer who shoots in the high 90s, low 100s for a standard 18-hole round. My scores have consistently dropped over the past few years, and with the amount of time and practice I have been putting into off-season practice, I expect (and hope) to be in the mid-low 90s by mid-season this year. I had heard from various coworkers that it wasn't worth the time or effort required to get my GHIN until I was consistently shooting in the mid-low 80s for a round.

I'm very interested in increasing my game from a casual once a month golfer, but the majority of the USGA links available on the web are of no help in answering my question.

Any thoughts about when the best time to get my GHIN is?




  1. Get it today.  There is no benefit to waiting- Having a GHIN is an easy way to track your progress/improvements over your golfing career, and you can and should search out tournaments that you can enter even as a 15 -20 hdcp.  Playing competitive matches using your GHIN against better players will give you a lot of insight into your own game.  Just keep posting scores correctly, and get into as many tourneys as you can!

  2. What is GHIN?

  3. Not sure what you're driving at. GHIN is "Golf Handicap Indexing Network". If you're asking about getting a handicap, do it right away. There's more to calculating your handicap than your average score. Getting a handicap will help you to better assess the strengths and weaknesses of your game and, as your handicap drops, will show you where you are improving.

    Above all else, Have Fun!

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